You are at Platform 2. where we have arts for the bosses.


due to struggling with my mental health, i regularly lean on my fantasy to help me through it. one of the methods being asking myself "what would ingo/emmet do?" and "what would ingo/emmet say right now?" which leads me too these pieces.

they help me lots. i found myself being able to think straight after but also help me not feeling as lonely.

designing ingo's is very easy because i already know what line he would say and how he would look while saying it. his vibe is very easy for me to get a hold of. Emmet is a little different.

Emmet's straight forward speech is easy to understand but hard to excercute. at first i thought that he should also have the same message as ingo. but i thought that it would not make him as his own so i made him remiding us to take a break instead.

i want the colors to pop so i used very saturated colors. because the change in idea between Emmet_ver 1 and Emmet_ver 2, the color in his piece also changed a bit.

"SUPER BRAVO" is made at the end of a very rough week for me. i missed a day of work due to not checking the schedule, i didn't do much for school works which lead me to self harm. but i survived, and i'm still breathing so it's here.

FNF inspred development

back in my early obsession of submas, i came across this video while i was trying to find more content to consume. at first, i thought the overall situation would be fun to draw. but as i drew, i never found any composition that i was satisfied with.

i decided to take a break from drawing to scene to design their outfit. the three of them were all inspired by Toxtricity. i chose this pokemon for its theme being a rock and electic

but once again, i got burned out and none of the desgins speak to me. at the moment, elesa's design is the only one i would considered complete. i would need to work on the twins at another date.